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Monday, January 12, 2015

Almost, again.

We started last week with digging footings and setting re-bar cages into the trenches. The guys are enjoying the work for now, and everyone is pitching in. We can hardly drag them out of the dirt, and our only savings grace is not having lights... yet!
Last week we welcomed the first family of this year’s annual rotation of Physicians thanks to DOCs for Hope. We are enjoying the developing community, as well as the encouragement and motivation we have seen and felt form this growing group of short and long term missionaries. We have felt a sense of renewed focus, and responsibility as we embark on the next phase for our ministry. We continue to see the great need for quality, reliable, and accessible medical care and cannot deny the opportunity to shower the love of Jesus on all the patients as they are able to receive healing medical care and the message of the gospel.

Our house is coming along nicely, and we hope to be living there in a week ( I have been saying that for about three weeks now). The ceiling will remain half completed for a month or so, but we have water and electric all done, with the septic system up and running. We worked on the bathroom, and we are hopeful to (somewhat) complete the kitchen this week. I am ready for the move, but not before we have a fence up.

With the construction moving forward, full steam, we are surrounded by heavy equipment, loads of sand and rock, and soon, a well drilling rig. The progress is great to see, but I am reminded that we will live on a construction site, immersed in all the elements that go with it. I am considering placing padlocks at each of the gates of the fence surrounding the house, to ensure no one will sneak out of the yard.
Through this, I am once again reminded that the safely of our children is no more in our hands now than it has ever been. We strive each day to rely on Gods protection over our family. All of this while we try to find the balance between using the knowledge and wisdom that we are equipped with, to be good parents, and being completely reliant on Him.

 Thank you, again, for faithfully supporting us in this ministry, and enabling us to serve here in Guatemala. We are reminded daily that we can not be here without your love and support.

The boys 'fishing'

'This is the Hospit'

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