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Monday, August 18, 2014

Let the Games begin!

Ryan started eating away at his last two weeks on the farm today.
In so many ways, this job has been his life dream. In many more ways, it falls short.
How can we ever be content? I mean completely? In all ways?

I don't think we can. Maybe were designed, magnificently designed, to always want more.

The catch.... where we reach for that contentment!

This past weekend we spent time unloading and purging the contents of closets and  cabinets.
The garage is looking like a mountain of Goodwill gold, and our home is looking more like a house. Hopefully that will make it easier to walk away.

We have been shopping for airplane tickets more consistently now.

The reality sets in more and more each day.

These last three weeks here will no doubt be exciting and dreadful all at the same time.

I can't help but think....
               "Why is this so hard?"

.......Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding; 
            in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight. (or :and he will direct your paths)

The bible does not say, 'and he will make your paths easy' or 'if it makes sense to you, and is practical or logical, then that is the way you should go'.....
  more so, 'if you are trusting me, and have submitted to him, then you will have a path that is easy to follow.'
When i write that, I see a clearly marked wide, smooth, trail, up a steep mountain side, over cliffs and disappearing into a dense forest. 

Well, that does not look easy, but it definitely looks straight, 

and undeniable!!!!!

Trust.....Lean.......Submit.............Forge Ahead!!!!

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