If you are new to the idea of supporting missionaries, or just donating in general, here is a breakdown:
1. There are many ways to give!
Donations can be made through PayPal.
Snail mail (check) to: Ryan & KatieAnn Ficker
PO Box 263
Marine, IL 62061
2. Our cost of living is very similar to yours back in the states.
We spend about $1,500 US each month on food supplies alone, and after utilities, and transportation (not including airfare) added in, we have a need of $2,500US per month.
3. Not all donations are Tax Deductible.
While we work with Adonai International Ministries (AIM) which is a 501 (c-3) registered not for profit of Illinois, not all donations made towards our cost of living are considered tax deductible. While all donations will be used to keep us moving forward in ministry here in Guatemala, and not used for monetary gain or profit of any kind, we are not able to use tax deductible donations for personal needs, like food. Crazy, right? We are law abiding citizens, and though we don't always understand the system, we choose to respect it.
4. You don't have to sign a contract.
We don't expect you to make a life long commitment to supporting us. While we have needs that need to be met every month, we are confident that one time or sporadic donations will come when needed. If you feel you can make a commitment to supporting us on a monthly basis, this is the most stable and helpful type of help you could offer. You can use: PayPal to set up a reoccurring charge to your credit card, online banking through your private bank to set up a reoccurring payment to the PO Box, or just mail a personal check to the PO Box at your convenience.
5. Some people may be offended by our blatant plea for financial support.
We realize that money is a sensitive issue. We don't really like to talk about it either. If you are offended by this, I am sorry, but that does not change the fact that we need financial support to keep our family fed and our work here effective. Some people can not give, and if that is you, please know that our friendship and respect is not in jeopardy. If you would like to help, but cant contribute with a donation of money, you can help by getting your church involved, by spreading the word through social media or word of mouth, or by praying for our family here and the work on the ground.
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